Make it personal with your very own name cards, or order some as a gift. Bespoke letterpress cards are individually printed on A6 GF Smith Wild Natural White 300gsm cards, and come with matching envelopes. You can choose from a variety of ink colours, font styles and sizes.
Boxes come with 25 or 40 cards (for a larger quantity, please get in touch for prices). Please allow at least a week for all bespoke commissions.
For addresses, the layout needs to be discussed beforehand - what will look right and in what point size for example. Please contact me directly at hello@spritzblue.com for options and prices. Or perhaps you'd like a special commission - I'd love to chat to you.

Do you like a traditional typeface or something more contemporary? Perhaps you love neon or metallic ink? I have a wide range of different fonts and ink colours to suit everyone. And if you're not sure what to choose, just drop me a line at hello@spritzblue.com and we can talk through the possibilities.
Bespoke stationery is a wonderful present for anyone who loves writing. It also makes the perfect gift for someone moving house, or if you're staying with friends for the weekend.